Mauricio Uriona Maldonado
By Sinergia in team biogas solar wind electric vehicles h2
December 26, 2016
I am an Associate Professor at UFSC in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, in Florianopolis, Brazil. My research interests are in Renewable Energy, Electric Vehicles, Sustainability Transitions, and System Dynamics modeling. For the period 2022-2025 I am affiliated as Extra-Ordinary Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Stellenbosch University, South Africa.
My research uses a socio-technical systems perspective to study the complex transitions to low-carbon economies. I do so by using simulation modeling for policy testing and design.
I have been a visiting scholar at Universität Bremen (Germany), University of Tampere (Finland), Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain). Besides my formal training, I have been trained in system dynamics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) and in innovation economics at the University of Tampere (Finland). My previous project experience span the Energy, Software and Telecom sectors.
I earned my PhD in Knowledge Management and Engineering at UFSC with co-supervision at Duke University (USA). Before joining UFSC, I was a consultant in innovation management at the Federação da Indústrias de Santa Catarina (FIESC). Find my full cv ( here) (in Brazilian format) and the international format, here.
I teach the following courses at the Undergraduate Level for the BSc in Production Engineering:
Modelos Econômicos Quantitativos - a introductory microeconomics course. See the course website here
Gestão Estratégica da Tecnologia de Informação - a introductory course on data science and machine learning with the support of Datacamp. See the course website here
I teach the following courses at the Graduate Level for the Master’s and Phd students in Production Engineering:
Inovação em Produtos, Serviços e Processos - a introductory course on innovation and technology theories on economics and engineering
Simulação e Prospecção de Cenários - a introductory course on system dynamics modeling applied to scenario forecasting and policy design
Tópicos avançados em Simulação e Prospeção de Cenários - an advanced course on system dynamics modeling applied to scenario forecasting and policy design
Fundamentos Econômicos e Tecnológicos das Energias Renováveis - a intermediate course on economic and technology theories applied to energy policy, renewable energies and electromobility
My current research interests have led me investigate how countries transition from high- to low-carbon and resource efficient economies. I study these transitions in the fields of renewable energy and electric mobility by:
assessing governance processes,
evaluating policy instruments and business models, and
exploring policy scenarios for sustainable futures by means of computer modeling.
- Posted on:
- December 26, 2016
- Length:
- 2 minute read, 404 words
- Tags:
- solar wind electric-vehicles biogas h2